


文章: Indonesia Donation Model Available for Preorder


Indonesia Donation Model Available for Preorder

Due to the heavy rains that have been occurring since February 18, 2021, large-scale flooding has been occurring over a wide area, mainly in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.
As a result, the factory outsourced by grounds, located in Tangerang, about 20km west of Jakarta, was also severely damaged. Fortunately, we have received reports that all of our staff members are safe, but there are still staff members who are unable to come to work and we are still in a state of confusion as we are busy with restoration work.



This factory has developed GROUNDS shoes with complex and difficult to realize structure through trial and error together with us. This factory has been supporting us since before we started our brand, so to speak, they are like our family. Due to the spread of the COVID-19, we are not able to go to the area to help with the recovery, so we have decided to sell pre-order this donation model as the first step of what we can do from Japan.

The profits from the sale of the models will be donated to the factory and the people living around Tangerang through the Indonesian disaster relief organization "Tangan Pengharapan". A report on this donation project will be posted on this website at a later date. We will also continue to support them by donating a portion of the proceeds from the sales of the pop-up stores in Indonesia and the collaboration projects with Indonesian brands that we have been planning.

Tangan Pengharapan

We look forward to your support of this effort and to your purchase of this model if you like it. 

Indonesia Donation Model Overview

We will be selling the following models that we have sold in the past and have received many inquiries about resale.

JPY 25,000 + shipment cost and taxes
Reservation period: March 18, 12:00 - March 29, 18:00 (GMT+9)
Shipping schedule: Late August 2021

* Donation model has some differences from the previous one.
* Payment will be made at the time of reservation.
* Donation will be made as soon as the reservation period is over.

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