GROUNDS has launched its official online store in July 2019. Initially, the top page of the online store itself was designed with an emphasis on creativity, with a floating, futuristic feel, so that the brand concept of "LEAP GRAVITY" could be understood by the senses.
After 9 months, we decided that we got a certain understanding of the concept, and changed the design to simply fulfill the concept of what an online store should look like: "easy to buy" and "easy to understand.
New design features and future updates
We imagined that shoes are lined up on store shelves, so all the products can be viewed on the top page. We have introduced a size search function that allows you to search not only by shoe design, but also by your size to see what designs are in stock. Currently, there is a mixture of Japanese and English language versions in some areas, but we plan to separate the official online store into Japanese and English, and update it to make it easier for both Japanese and international customers to make smooth purchases. Along with this renewal, two standard colors of "JEWELRY" (black x clear, nude x clear) were also restocked. Also, new items for the 2020s/s season will be arriving in late March and through April.